
民航快遞及關聯公司(以下或稱為「我們」)提供的產品及服務,均適用本隱私權協議。 這些產品及服務包括民航快遞官網(https:// minhangexpress.com)、民航快遞應用軟體。 民航快遞上述的產品及服務,是由民航快遞自研開發。
我們重視並致力於保障您的隱私,因此,我們將透過本隱私權政策(及其不時修正更新的版本),告知您在使用民航快遞的產品及服務時,我們是如何收集、 使用 您的個人資訊,您對於這些個人資訊所擁有的權利,以及您可以如何修改或刪除這些個人資訊。 本隱私權政策適用於我們透過網站、行動應用軟體、 或其他書面、口頭或電子溝通方式所收集的所有個人資訊。
請您務必在使用民航快遞的服務之前,仔細閱讀並充分理解各服務的使用者協議以及本隱私權政策的內容,若您不同意我們的使用者協議或隱私權政策, 您將無法繼續使用我們的 服務。
為了讓您順利使用我們的服務,並提升我們的服務品質, 我們會收集下列個人資訊:
(1) 帳號資訊:
當您註冊我們的服務時並建立帳號時,我們會收集您所選的使用者名稱 、密碼、電話號碼、郵件地址,以便讓您順利登錄服務,並給您即時的 通知。 我們也可能會收集您的真實信名、身分證明文件,以便讓您快遞順利郵寄。
(2) 付款資訊:
您使用民航快遞的服務下訂單時,我們會需要您提供付款 信息,例如信用卡號碼、到期日、PIN碼、以及帳戶姓名等。 這些付款 資訊是由支付寶、微信支付、VISA/Master Card服務所收集及管理。
(3) 使用資訊:
a. 您的瀏覽器所發出的訊息:包括IP地址、瀏覽器類型等,以便我 們監控伺服器安全、修正錯誤及斷線、以及提升我們的服務品質。
b. 您和我們的服務互動狀況的資訊:包括您的瀏覽日期、時間、使用 的設備型號、所使用的第三方服務或網站等。
c. 對於使用Android系統的手機,在進行驗證碼校驗時,系統會使用剪切板的內容來填入驗證碼。
(4) Cookies:
Cookies是網站、應用軟體、線上媒體以及廣告儲存於瀏覽器或裝置內的 純文字檔案。 我們會使用「cookies」這個詞彙,來代表(1)我們用來儲存或使用您的瀏覽器或裝置內資訊的技術、(2)我們用來收集資訊的技術(3)我們用來辨別您的 身份的技術。 大部分瀏覽器的會預設接受所有cookies, 但你可以隨時更改這項設定,讓您的瀏覽器拒絕所有cookies,或在cookies發送 時給您通知。 此外,你可以在任何時間刪除現存的所有cookies。 但請注意, 我們的服務中可能有某些功能,在cookies被停用或刪除的情況下, 會有無法正常運作的情況。
(5) 設備資訊:
我們的行動應用軟體會在特定情況下,要求裝置系統權限,以便讓您繼續使用我們的服務, 這些系統權限包括取得位置資訊、儲存資訊、通知、使用相機、存取相簿與麥克風 等權限。 您可以隨時在您的裝置上更改這些權限設定,控制軟體如何取用您的個人資訊。
(6) 訂單細節:
當您在我們的平台上下訂單後,我們會收集該訂單相關的信息,這包括了購買的物品名稱、 送貨地點、訂單日期及時間、訂單金額、特殊指示及過敏信息等。 我們也會收集您的實際訂單照片,以便給您更好的售後服務。 您也可以選擇提供您的訂單評價資訊給我們。
(7) 位置資訊:
當您使用我們的服務,我們可能會收集您大致的位置信息,例如IP地址。 若您依照設備的作業系統提供的授權系統,允許我們的服務取用您的位置信息, 我們可能會在您使用我們的移動應用軟體時,收集您精確的位置資訊。
與我們的服務分享您的個人資訊時,請務必留心。 我們的員工或外包人員,依其職位及權限的不同,有可能可以取用您的資訊(付款資訊除外)。 我們的員工或外包人員只會是出於對您提供客戶服務,或是遵守法律規定的目的,取用您的個人資訊。
在民航快遞服務中,整合了許多第三方合作夥伴提供的功能。 這包括了為我們的軟體提供實體架構的供應商。 此外,我們在處理客戶服務、付款處理、品質監控等工作時,也運用了第三方的工具來達成,在這個過程中, 您的部份資訊將會被傳送到第三方儲存或處理,對於未 整合進我們服務第三方服務, 您有權同意是否向其分享您的個人訊息,而在使用我們服務的過程中,我們也會提供您選擇的機會。
(1) 商業夥伴
民航快遞與一些第三方商業夥伴共同進行行銷活動。 這表示當您和我們的網站、軟體或服務互動時, 若有點擊第三方網站鏈結、點擊廣告鏈結或購買第三方商品,我們會從第三方商業夥伴處獲得一部分的佣金。 但是,除了解決訂單爭議所必要而需提供聯絡信息,我們並不會跟我們的商業夥伴分享您的任何個人資訊。
(2) 服務商、承包商
我們也會將您所提供的個人信息,披露給我們所信任,且受到保密條款所約束的服務商或承包商。 這些服務商、承包商只能出於以下的目的來使用您的個人資訊:(a) 幫助我們為您提供服務; (b) 幫助我們了解使用者如何使用我們的服務;(c) 為了直接行銷的 目的(詳上述)。 這些服務商與承包商對我們提供資訊科技及系統管理服務、資料備份、安全、儲存服務、資料分析服務, 並協助我們發送廣告及提供其他行銷服務。
(3) 商業轉移
在我們和其他公司洽談合併、出售公司資產、收購、清算時的過程中,我們有可能揭露您的部份資訊。 在這種情況下, 您的個人資訊仍會受到本隱私權政策條款的規範。
(4) 執法機關的相關揭露規定
下列情況發生時,我們可能會與第三方分享您的個人資訊:(a) 當我們有理由相信分享資訊是為了保護我們或第三方的權利、財產或安全所必要時;(b) 依法律、法規、法院命令或其他執法機關的命令而需要披露時;(c) 為了履行及遵守我們的法定義務而為此必要披露。 以下我們整理了與我們分享您個人資訊的第三方,以及分享資訊目的供您參考:
第三方 分享目的
(WeChat) 微信是由騰訊科技所開發的應用軟體,我們與微信分享您的個人訊息, 是為了:
(1) 讓使用者可以透過微信的即時訊息功能,邀請朋友或家人 使用我們的服務。
(2) 讓使用者可以透過微信支付(Wechat Pay)進行付款。
(3) 讓使用者可以使用微信內建的瀏覽器,直接在微信中瀏覽民航快遞外送 的H5版本。 (我們只會要求用戶同意我們取得他們的用戶名稱以及 微信ID,以達到自動登錄的功能)。
Twilio 民航快遞商家App整合了Twilio SDK,來蒐集商家的聯絡資訊。 收集的目的是讓商家可以提供一個虛擬電話號碼,用以與客人聯繫之用。
支付寶(alipay) 整合App 支付寶客戶端SDK 並提供服務的過程中,為了保障您的帳戶和資金安全以及支付服務的安全穩定運行,同時為了履行反洗錢、反恐怖主義融資、反電信網路詐騙 等法定義務,我們需要收集和使用您的下列個人資訊:不可變更設備唯一識別、可變更設備唯一識別、基本設備資訊、軟體安裝清單以及網路資訊。 為實現網路鏈路的選擇和優化,以提升用戶體驗,我們需要收集和使用網路資訊。 《支付寶隱私權政策》(https://render.alipay.com/p/yuyan/180020010001196791/preview.html?agreementId=AG00000132)
您對您的個人資訊有完整的控制權,您可以要求我們提供您的所有個人資訊、修正或拒絕我們使用您的個人資訊、 或要求我們刪除或限制您個人資訊的使用。 您的這些權利在可能影響其他使用者權利的情況,或是我們依法必須保留記錄的情況下, 可能會有所限制。 以下為您對於您的個人資訊所擁有的權利,若您要行使您的下述權利,請依下述「聯絡我們」的指示與我們聯絡。
(1) 取用的權利
您有權知悉我們收集了您的哪些個人資訊,且在某些情形下,可以要求我們將這樣的資訊清單通知到您。 依據各地法規規定, 我們可能會針對這樣的要求收取一定的費用。 請注意,在特定情況下,我們可能無法依你的要求提供所有信息, 我們會盡力向您解釋無法提供完整信息的原因。
(2) 資料可攜的權利
若資料的處理是基於您的同意、或是基於與您之間的合約履行且資料處理是以自動化方式完成,您可能可以要求我們將該等資料處理, 以一般性、結構化、 且機器可讀取的格式,提供給你或第三方。
(3) 維持個人資訊正確性的權利
(4) 限制個人資訊處理的權利
在下列情形,您可以要求我們限制處理您的個人資訊:(a) 您對您個人資訊的正確性提出質疑,並且希望我們在確認資訊正確性之前限制處理您的個人資訊; (b ) 資訊處理並不合法,但您不希望我們刪除您的個人資訊;或(c) 當除收集資訊的原因已經不復存在,但我們仍需要該等資訊來建立、行使或防禦我們的法定權利 。 在特定情況下,我們即使收到您的限制請求,仍然可能繼續使用您的個人資訊。
(5) 拒絕直接行銷的權利
您對於我們可否對您發送行銷訊息,可否出於對您發送行銷訊息為目的而使用您的個人資訊等所做的選擇,都可以隨時改變心意。 若您不願意繼續收到行銷訊息, 在我們的網站部分您可以寄發電子郵件到unsubscribe@minhangexpress.com表示退出;在我們的應用軟體部分,可以針對我們所發送的行銷短信, 以簡訊回覆「 TD”或“STOP”表示退出。
(6) 撤銷同意的權利
即使您曾經同意我們處理或使用您的個人資訊,您也可以隨時撤回您的同意。 撤回同意不影響同意撤回前,我們使用您個人資訊的合法性。
若您身處美國加州或紐約州,將有額外的條款適用在您身上。 您若繼續使用民航快遞的服務, 即表示您同意我們將您的個人資訊轉移並儲存在我們位於美國的伺服器內。
(1) 加州住民
身為加州住民,您有下列的額外權利。 但這些權利並非絕對,在某些情況下,我們有權依法拒絕您的要求:
(a) 您的個人資訊;
(b) 所收集個人資料的來源分類;
(c) 收集個人資訊的商業目的;
(d) 我們是否為商業目的而揭露您的個人資訊,若是,收受該等資訊的第三方,其所收到的個人資訊分類。
(e) 我們是否出售您的個人資訊,若是,購買該等資訊的第三方,其所收到的個人資訊分類。
b. 資訊取用權:您可以要求我們提供一份列表,列出我們過去十二個月針對您收集的個人資訊。
c. 您可以要求我們刪除我們針對您收集的個人資訊。
d. 退出資訊出售:若我們出售用戶個人資訊,您可以選擇退出。
e. 您可以在不受歧視情況下,行使上述權利。 所謂不受歧視,是指你不會因此無法使用民航快遞服務,也不會因此需要以與他人不同的價格條件下使用民航快遞服務。
(a) 資訊取用及刪除權:您可以將您的請求以電子郵件形式寄發到minhangexpress@gmail.com;或以郵件形式寄發到300-9200 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5J 0B3。
(b) 退出訊息出售:如同其他公司,我們使用了第三方服務,以確保我們是基於您的興趣來發送廣告訊息給您。 我們使用此種第三方服務,根據加州法律, 可能會被定義為我們「出售」了您的個人資訊(例如裝置資料及線上活動資料等)給第三方服務商。 您可以寄發電子郵件到minhangexpress@gmail.com 要求退出此種個人資訊的「出售」。
為了處理您的請求,我們保留確認您加州居民身分的權利。 同時,為了處理您的資料取用、刪除等請求,我們也需要確認您的身分。 在此過程中, 您需要出示政府核發的身份證明。 依據加州法律,您可以指定代理人代表你提出上述請求,在此情況下,您必須提供有效的授權書、 及您與代理人經政府核發的身份證明。 若您提供的資訊不足,我們將無法處理您的要求。
(2) 紐約州居民
依據紐約線上隱私保護法案(New York Online Privacy Protection Act)、以及紐約商業與專業法案(New York Business and Professions Code) 我們必須將您的隱私權利摘要提供給您。 根據上開法案,我們會將您在使用我們的服務過程中,我們所收集的可辨識個人資訊(Personal Identifiable Information)種類, 以及我們所分享該等資訊的第三方提供給您。 上開法案規定,當你要求時,我們必須提供(a) 我們所收集的可辨識個人資訊分類、以及我們分享該等資訊的第三方; (b) 第三方的名稱與地址;(c) 該 等第三方所做的行銷範例。 上開法案更進一步規定,我們需要讓您決定您不希望您的個人資訊與何人分享。 若您要做出上述請求, 請依下述「聯絡我們」中所述方式與我們聯絡。 聯絡我們時,請註明您的姓名、地址、電子郵件信箱、以及何種個人可辨識資訊您不希望我們與第三方分享。 聯絡我們後, 請靜待三十天,讓我們處理您的要求。 請注意我們不會對您的請求收取任何費用。
民航快遞是一個全球性企業,我們可能會將我們收集的個人信息,轉移到與當初收集時不同的國家進行儲存及處理, 這些國家包括美國以及其他隱私相關法規不及信息收集國嚴謹的 國家。 當我們轉移您的個人資訊到其他國家時, 我們會依本隱私權政策的條款來保護您的個人信息,且轉移過程中也將符合所有資料保護法律之規定。
民航快遞會不定時針對隱私權政策條款進行調整。 一旦我們做出變更,我們將把最新版本的隱私權政策透過行動應用軟體內通知功能告知您。 您必須同意最新版本的隱私權政策,才能繼續使用我們的服務。
若您對本隱私權政策以及您的資料如何被使用有所疑問,或是您想要行使您的法定權利,請以電子郵件形式寄發到minhangexpress@gmail.com; 或以郵件形式寄發 到300-9200 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5J 0B3。
我們已經建立了適當的技術及組織安全措施、政策,來降低資料意外遺失、未經授權揭露、取用個人資訊的風險。 然而,沒有完全安全無虞或完全無錯誤的線上活動,儘管我們全力保護您的訊息,我們無法保證您個人資訊的絕對安全。 這一點請您在提供資訊給我們時,隨時要銘記在心。 也請了解,保護您的個人訊息,也是您的責任。 我們建議您在使用網路或與我們及其他人溝通的過程中,也要注意保護您的個人資訊。 請時常變更您地密碼,使用數字及字母的組合、 並確保你使用的瀏覽器是安全的。 如果您有理由相信您與我們的互動不再安全(例如您覺得您的帳號安全已被破解),或是您懷疑有他人盜用您的帳戶, 請立刻透過「聯絡我們」中的方式與我們 聯繫。
作為民航快遞服務的一部分,我們可能會寄發關於我們的產品或服務的電子郵件及短信給您, 您也可以選擇在我們有促銷活動或優惠券時是否要收到通知。 您可以透過每一封電子郵件或簡訊中的「取消訂閱(UNSUBSCRIBE)」的鏈結,或透過寄發電子郵件到unsubscribe@minhangexpress.com , 要求將您的個人資訊從我們的郵件名單 中移除,或停止所有未來的行銷訊息。 您也可以透過帳戶設定來取消訂閱。 請注意我們還是會寄發與服務相關的信息,包括與您帳戶或您的交易相關的服務公告以及運營信息, 若您不願意收到這些信息,請註銷您的帳戶。
受限於相關法律,為了本隱私權政策所述之目的所必要,我們會保存所收集的個人資訊。 若我們認為收集資訊的目的已經不復存在,我們將不經通知迳自刪除該等個人資訊。 我們的服務商有不同的資料保存政策,在您也持有民航快遞的帳戶期間,您的資料將會一直保存。 在某些情況下,我們會依照法律、法規、稅法、審計、會計的要求,長時間保留您的個人信息, 以符合相關規定或應對與您個人資訊或交易相關且合理可能發生的訴訟。 在決定資料保留期間長短時, 我們會考慮資料量、資料性質、個人資訊的敏感度、未經授權使用、揭露個人資訊的潛在風險、 我們處理您個人資訊的目的、該目的是否可以用其他方式 達成以及相關法規的規定。
民航快遞不收集未滿16歲兒童的個人資料。 若您知悉任何16歲以下的兒童在未經父母同意的情況下註冊了我們的服務,請立即與我們聯繫。


GOLDEN TERRITORY LOGISTICS CO. LTD and its affiliates ("Minhang Express" or "we") operates the following online services:
1.https://minhangexpress.com/- Minhang Express’s Official Website;
2.Minhang Express App, collectively as Minhang Express’s downloadable mobile application (the “App”).
The Sites and Apps are collectively referred to as the “Services”. This Privacy Policy applies to all Minhang Express’s Services.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and this outline below, as may be updated from time to time (the “Privacy Policy”), explains what information is collected, how it is used, what rights you have, and what choices you may make regarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected by us, whether through the Sites or the App, as well as during any written, electronic, and oral communication between you and us.
Your access to and use of our Services are subject to our Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy. Please make sure that you have carefully read and understand the Terms and Service and this Privacy Policy before you use our Services. By using our Services, you accept the Terms of Service, and accept our privacy practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any part of this Terms and Service and this Privacy Policy, you must not use or access our Services.
Collecting information
We collect and use the following information to operate and improve our services:
Account information:
When signing-up to the Service and creating an account, we collect a username of your choice, phone number, e-mail address (optional) for log-in and notifications, and optionally your real name, avatar, identification documentation (Ensure package arrives) as well as a password that you will choose and use for your account. If you use the Services by logging in through a third-party login/account registration service, we also receive personal information about you as provided by such third-party service, as determined by such third party's policies and your preferences. You may choose to provide optional information such as your birthday,profile photo and gender.
Payment information:
When confirming an order with Minhang Express, we require that you provide payment information, such as credit card number, expiry date, PIN, and account name. This data is collected and managed by AliPay, WeChat Pay, Visa/Master card.
We collect information sent by your web browser, such as IP addresses and the type of browser, in order to monitor our servers for security purposes, fix bugs and outages, and otherwise improve the Sites, App and Services. In Android system, use the content of the clipboard to fill in the verification code. We collect data about how you interact with the Sites, App and Services; this includes data such as, access dates and times, App features or pages viewed, App crashes and other system activity, type of browser, type of device and third-party sites or services used before interacting with our Services.
Cookies are small text files that are stored on browsers or devices by websites, apps, online media, and advertisements. We may use the terms "cookies" to refer to all technologies that we may use to store data in your browser or device or that collect information or help us identify you in the manner described above. Most Web browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, but you can change this setting so your browser either refuses all cookies or informs you when a cookie is being sent. In addition, you are free to delete any existing cookies at any time. Please note that some features of the Services may not function properly when cookies are disabled or removed.
The App will require you to allow some permissions of device system to continue to use our Services, such as location, storage, notification, camera, album, and microphone. You can change your settings on your own device and control access to your personal information.
Order Details:
When you place an order through our platform, we collect information related to that order. This may include information such as items purchased, delivery address, date and time of order, total amount of payment, special instructions, and allergies. We may also collect the pictures of your order in order to provide better customer service for you. You may choose to provide optional information such as order reviews.
Location Information:
When you use the Services, we may collect general location information (such as IP address). If you permit the Services to access location services through the permission system used by your mobile operating system or browser, we may also collect the precise location of your device when the App is used, either in the foreground or background of your device.
Referral Program:
Minhang Express allows users to invite friends and family to sign up for our Services. Sometimes we offer a promotional value for every friend or family member who signs up and places an order through your referral link. To help you do this, we may request you to grant us an access to your mobile device address book. You can then direct us to send referral emails, SMS messages, or other communications to contacts you select in your address book.
Direct Marketing:
We may use personal information to let you know about our products and services that we believe will be of interest to you and, if you have consented, about products and services of third parties. We may contact you by email or through other communication channels. In all cases, we will respect your preferences for how you would like us to manage marketing activity with respect to you. To protect privacy rights and to ensure you have control over how we manage marketing with you:
We will take steps to limit direct marketing to a reasonable and proportionate level and only send you communications which we believe may be of interest or relevance to you.?
At any time you can update or correct your personal profile within your account, or change your preferences for the way in which you would like us to communicate with you, including how you receive details of latest offers or promotions from us.
You can ask us to stop sending email marketing by following the "unsubscribe" link you will find on all the email marketing messages we send you.
You can ask us to stop sending electronic marketing messages by reply “TD” (Chinese language) or ”STOP” (English) text by message following all the marketing messages we send you.
You can change the way your browser manages cookies, which may be used to deliver online advertising, by following the settings on your browser as explained below. If our marketing activities are based upon your consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time.
Access to your data
We encourage you to be careful in what personal information or data is shared on these services. Minhang Express employees and contractors may have access to stored data, except for your payment information, depending on their role and duties within Minhang Express. Private information is only be accessed by Minhang Express employees and contractors for the purposes of providing customer support or as otherwise required by law.
Information shared with Third Parties
Minhang Express makes use of various third parties to provide parts of the services offered. This includes vendors that provide the physical infrastructure upon which our software runs. We also use third party tools for things like customer support, payment processing, and performance monitoring. In this context, some of your information or data may be transmitted to these third parties for storage or processing. For third-party services which are not integral to our services, you have the right to consent to the sharing of your information. You will be presented with this choice when using our Services.
Business Partners:
Minhang Express works with certain third-party business partners through affiliate marketing programs. This means that with respect to (some of your) interactions on the Sites, App or Services, such as clicking on links to third-party websites, clicking on advertising links, or purchasing an item, Minhang Express may earn commissions from its business partners, however we will not share any details of you other than your contact details which we will share in case any issues with your Order.
Service Providers, and Subcontractors:
We also disclose information, including personal information we collect from or about you, to our trusted service providers and subcontractors, who have agreed to confidentiality restrictions and who use such information solely on our behalf in order to: (1) help us provide you with the Sites, App, or the Services; (2) aid in their understanding of how users are using our Sites, App or Services; (3) for the purpose of direct marketing (see above under section entitled “Direct Marketing”) for more details). Such service providers and subcontractors provide us with IT and system administration services, data backup, security, and storage services, data analysis, and help us serve advertisements and provide other marketing services.
Business Transfers:
Your personal information may be disclosed as part of, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets or acquisition (including in cases of liquidation) in such case, your personal information shall continue being subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
Law Enforcement Related Disclosure:
We may share your personal information with third parties: (i) if we believe in good faith that disclosure is appropriate to protect our or a third party's rights, property, or safety (including the enforcement of the Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy ); (ii) when required by law, regulation subpoena, court order or other law enforcement related issues, agencies and/or authorities; or (iii) as is necessary to comply with any legal and/or regulatory obligation.
Third Party Purpose of Sharing
WeChat We share your personal information with WeChat (an app developed by Tencent Corporation) in order to: (i) allow instant SMS so that users may invite friends on their WeChat to use our App; (ii) facilitate payment by using WeChat Pay; and (iii) allow users to use WeChat In-app browser to open our H5 version of Minhang Express Delivery in WeChat (we don't share anything with WeChat, but require user to allow us to acquire their user name and WeChat ID automatic logging.
Twilio Twilio SDK is integrated in our Minhang Express Merchant App, which would collect your contact information. The purpose is for you to contact the customer with a virtual number.
Function: To achieve notification push and other push function.
Data collected: Device information, location information and network information. Device information includes device identifiers (such as IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MAC and OAID), application information (such as crash information, the status of the notification toggle and application list), device parameters and system information (such as the type of device, the model of the device and operating system and hardware information.
Basic Function (includes parameter installation, H5 channel statistics, application statistics, and one-key redirect function):
Device information, including device brand, device model and the version of the operating system.
b.Network information, including IP address and MAC address.
alipay In the process of integrating the App Alipay client SDK and providing services, we need to collect and use your following personal information in order to ensure the security of your account and funds and the safe and stable operation of payment services, and to fulfill legal obligations such as anti money laundering, anti-terrorism financing, and anti telecommunications network fraud: the unique identification of non changeable devices, the unique identification of changeable devices, basic device information Software installation list and network information. In order to realize the selection and optimization of network links and improve user experience, we need to collect and use network information. Alipay Privacy Policy. (https://render.alipay.com/p/yuyan/180020010001196791/preview.html?agreementId=AG00000132)
Your Rights
You have several rights regarding the treatment of your information: to request a copy of your information, to correct or object to our use of your information, or to request the deletion or restriction of your information. These rights may be limited in the case where it would divulge another user's information, or where we are legally required to keep records. To make requests regarding your information or data, please contact us as per section below entitled “Contact Us”.
Right of Access:
You have a right to know what personal information we collect about you and, in some cases, to have such personal information communicated to you. Subject to applicable law, we may charge you with a fee. Please note that we may not in certain limited cases be able to provide you with all the information you request, and, in such case, we will endeavor to explain to you why.
Right to Data Portability:
If the processing is based on your consent or performance of a contract with you and processing is being carried out by automated means, you may be entitled to (request that we) provide you or another party with a copy of the personal information you provided to us in a structured, commonly-used, and machine-readable format.
Right to Correct personal information:
Subject to the limitations in applicable law, you may request that we update, complete, correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated personal information.
Right to Restrict Processing:
You can ask us to limit the processing of your personal information if either: (i) you have contested its accuracy and wish us to limit processing until this is verified; (ii) the processing is unlawful, but you do not wish us to erase the personal information; or (iii) it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected, but we still need it to establish, exercise, or defend of a legal claim;. We may continue to use your personal information after a restriction request under certain circumstances.
Direct Marketing Opt Out
You can change your mind at any time about your election to receive marketing communications from us and/or having your personal information processed for direct marketing purposes. For the Sites, please notify us by emailing to minhangexpress@gmail.com. For the App, please notify us by replying “TD” (Chinese version) or ”STOP” (English version) text by message following all the marketing messages we send you
Withdrawal of Consent
You may withdraw your consent in connection with any processing of your personal information based on a previously granted consent. This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing prior to such withdrawal.
International Jurisdictions
If you are an individual located in the state of California, United States of America, or the state of New York, United States, some additional terms and rights may apply to you, as detailed herein:. By choosing to use any services offered by Minhang Express, you consent to the transfer and storage of any provided information on our servers located in the United States of America.
For California Residents:
As a California resident, you have the rights listed below. However, these rights are not absolute, and in certain cases we may decline your request as permitted by law.
You can request the following information about how we have collected and used your personal information during the past twelve (12) months:
The personal information of personal information that we have collected.
The categories of sources from which we collected personal information.
The business or commercial purpose for collecting and/or selling personal information.
The categories of third parties with whom we share personal information.
Whether we have disclosed your personal information for a business purpose, and if so, the categories of personal information received by each category of third party recipient.
Whether we’ve sold your personal information, and if so, the categories of personal information sold to each category of third party recipient.
Access. You can request a copy of the Information that we have collected personal information about you during the past twelve (12) months.
You can ask us to delete the personal information that we have collected from you.
Opt-out of sales. If we sell your personal information, you can opt-out.
You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination in the form of refusal to provide the Services or legally prohibited changes to the price or quality of the Services.
How to exercise your rights You may exercise your California privacy rights described above as follows:
Right to information, access and deletion. You can request to exercise your information, access and deletion rights contacting us at minhangexpress@gmail.com or to the attention of: 8120 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC V6X 1A6
Right to opt-out of the "sale" of your personal information. Like many companies, we use services that help deliver interest-based ads to you. Our use of some of these services may be classified under California law as a “sale” of your personal information to the companies that provide the services because they collect information from our users (e.g., device data and online activity data) to help them serve ads more likely to interest you. You can request to opt-out out of this “sale” of your personal information here: minhangexpress@gmail.com
We reserve the right to confirm your California residency to process your requests and will need to confirm your identity to process your requests to exercise your information, access or deletion rights. As a part of this process, government identification may be required. Consistent with California law, you may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In order to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government-issued identification, and the authorized agent’s valid government issued identification. We cannot process your request if you do not provide us with sufficient detail to allow us to understand and respond to it.
For New York Residents:
New York law requires that we provide you with a summary of your privacy rights under the New York Online Privacy Protection Act (the “Act”) and the New York Business and Professions Code. As required by the Act, we will provide you with the categories of Personally Identifiable Information that we collect through the Sites, the App or the Services and the categories of third party persons or entities with whom such Personally Identifiable Information may be shared for direct marketing purposes at your request. New York law requires us to inform you, at your request, (1) the categories of Personally Identifiable Information we collect and what third parties we share that information with; (2) the names and addresses of those third parties; and (3) examples of the products marketed by those companies. The Act further requires us to allow you to control who you do not want us to share that information with. To obtain this information, please send a request by email or standard mail to the address found below. When contacting us, please indicate your name, address, email address, and what Personally Identifiable Information you do not want us to share with Affiliated Businesses or Marketing Partners. The request should be sent to us per section below entitled “Contact Us”. Please allow 30 days for a response. Also, please note that there is no charge for controlling the sharing of your Personally Identifiable Information or requesting this notice.
International Transfer
Minhang Express is a global business. We may transfer the personal information we collect about you to recipients, and your personal information may be stored and processed, in countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected, including the United States and elsewhere that may have less stringent data protection laws than the country in which you initially provided the information. When we transfer your information to countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected, we will protect your information as described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise disclosed to you at the time the data is collected and will comply with all applicable data protection laws in making such transfers.
Minhang Express may periodically make changes to this Privacy Policy. We will notify you of any significant changes via an e-mail to the address associated with your account.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or how your data is used, or if you wish to exercise any of your legal rights as set out herein, please contact us at minhangexpress@gmail.com or to the attention of: 8120 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC V6X 1A6.
We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organization security measures, policies and procedures designed to reduce the risk of accidental destruction or loss, or the unauthorized disclosure or access to personal information appropriate to the nature of such data. However, no online activity is ever fully secure or error-free. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee that your personal information is absolutely secure. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any information to us. Please recognize that protecting your personal information is also your responsibility. We urge you to take every precaution to protect your information when you are on the Internet, or when you communicate with us and with other through the Internet. Change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers, and make sure you use a secure browser. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of your account might have been compromised), or if you suspect someone else is using your account, please let us know immediately by contacting us per section below entitled “Contact Us”.
As part of the Services, we may send you e-mail or other messages or a newsletter about us or our Services. You may also elect to receive notifications from us regarding sales and coupons. You may remove your personal information from our mailing list and stop receiving future communication from us by following the UNSUBSCRIBE link located at the bottom of each communication or by emailing us at minhangexpress@gmail.com You will also be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from commercial messages in any such email or other message we send as well as through your account settings. Please note that we reserve the right to send you service-related communications, including service announcements and administrative messages, relating either to your account or to your transactions on these Services. Should you not wish to receive such communications, you may cancel your account.
Data Retention
Subject to applicable law, we retain personal information as necessary for the purposes set forth above. We may delete information from our systems without notice to you once we deem it is no longer necessary for these purposes. Retention by any of our processors may vary in accordance with the processor's retention policy. Your data will be retained for as long as you have a registered account. In some circumstances, we may store your personal information for longer periods of time, for instance where we are required to do so in accordance with legal, regulatory, tax, audit, accounting requirements and so that we have an accurate record of your dealings with us in the event of any complaints or challenges, or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation relating to your personal information or dealings. To determine the appropriate retention period, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal information, and whether those purposes can be achieved through other means, as well as applicable legal requirements.
Minhang Express does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16. In the event you become aware that an individual under the age of 16 has enrolled without parental permission, please advise us immediately.